Sunday, 16 February 2014

Ben & Tassie Tourism

Ben has always been very passionate about everything Tasmanian. He particularly showed his interest towards Tasmanian Tourism Industry. Masterchef Australia (season 4) had spent a week filming in Tasmania and featured Stanley in an elimination episode.According to Minister of Tourism Scott Bacon, "A key drawcard for visitors heading to Tasmania was our exciting food and beverage experiences, and there's no doubt the coverage our state has received through MasterChef has been invaluable."

& even before the show got over Ben had met with the marketing people of Tourism Tasmania to discuss the potential to use his national profile to help promote Tasmania and attract visitors & boost awareness of the fantastic experiences the state has on offer.

Masterchef meets master bloggers for the T-QUAL Tick Race..

The T-QUAL Tick Race was created to showcase some of Australia's quality tourism operators that are endorsed by the T-QUAL Tick - Australia's symbol of tourism quality. Natalie Birt (Mummy Smiles), Caroline Makepeace (yTravel blog), Sarah (A Beach Cottage)- all famous bloggers & Lauren Bath, one of Australia's leading Instagrammer were the participants of the T-QUAL Tick race & completed two weeks of competition in five of Australia's States & Territories and experienced 24 of Australia's quality tourism businesses, sharing their experiences with their audiences online.
The bloggers concluded their journey in Tasmania, one of Australia's premier tourism destinations, with the Tasmanian Minister for Tourism, Scott Bacon, formally welcoming the race team at the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery. Mr. Bacon was joined by Ben Milbourne, the newly appointed Accreditation Ambassador for the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania, whose ambassadorship was launched at the museum with media from around the state. Ben also explained what this T-QUAL Tick Race is all about. The four contestants of T-QUAL Tick Race also got a chance to dine with Ben.


Ben's New Role....

Masterchef finalist Ben Milbourne has a new role promoting high standards in Tasmanian tourism. The Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania has appointed the popular local cook, one of the stars of the MasterChef Australia TV series, as the state's first "accreditation ambassador".
His job is to promote good customer service, urge businesses to be accredited with the national T-QUAL scheme and encourage visitors to seek out places with the T-QUAL tick of approval.

Milbourne said Tasmanian tourism was riding a wave of success, thanks to MONA and an acclaimed new marketing campaign, and it was important to back this up by ensuring visitors were satisfied by their experiences.
"Tasmania has a great window of opportunity," he said. "Tourism is going to be huge in the next five years. We have to take away the hurdles that prevent people coming to Tasmania and make it easy to come.
"Accreditation means TICT can be their travel adviser."
TICT chief executive Luke Martin said Tasmanian tourism already had the highest rate of voluntary accreditation in the country.

(Source: The Mercury, April 06, 2013)

Ben & Andy's Tassie Adventure....

Earlier in 2013, Ben & Andy did a little Tassie adventure as part of different initiatives taken by Tourism Industry Council Tasmania to promote tourism in Tasmania. Some of the places they visited included Saffire Freycinet, Petuna Aquaculture, Cradle Mountain, Cape grim Tasmanian Natural Beef etc. Here's a little video where Andy joins Ben to have a look around Tassie: 

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