Friday, 30 May 2014

Ben Milbourne talks Mexico


As we have already posted here, Ben Milbourne is leading a tour to Mexico with MasterChef Travel. Here is a little chat on how he first fell in love with cooking and his favourite city for food culture.

Tell us about the highlight of your MasterChef journey?

The Masterchef Journey was amazing, and there were plenty of Highlights but the most lasting is defiantly the friendships I have made, with not only other contestants but the judges and crew.

The experiences I had, friendships I made and people I met during Masterchef have been some of the most influential interactions I have had in my whole life. Everybody talks about life changing events and Masterchef was definitely one of those events for me.

Have you watched the MasterChef series that you were on?

I have watch a few episodes of my series but its hard watching yourself on TV and I want to remember the experience as I saw it, felt it and lived it.

Did you watch last year’s series?

I used to watch Masterchef religiously until I was on it and now I just don’t have time, I watch a few episodes of last years but I am very rarely home at that time anymore. Life has really changed.

Where did your interest in cooking come from?

I have loved the social qualities of cooking since I was a little boy and I would cook with my Nan. From there it stuck with me until I went to University and started teaching. Spending time in the kitchen and cooking were ways for me to relax and be creative after work.

How do you feel about leading the MasterChef Travel tour to Mexico in 2014?

I can’t wait to get back to Mexico and lead this tour, food is what drives Mexican culture, it is engrained in the lives of the people. We will eat food that has been perfected over generations and stuff so fresh that it can’t be perfected on. I will share with you the Mexico that I know and love and the reasons it’s been may favourite cuisine for over half my life.

Which cities do you recommend as the best for food culture?

Oaxaca is the biggest foodie city in Mexico but your going to find great food everywhere, the coast is amazing also the food is simple, fresh and loaded with seafood which is great for me.

What foodie experiences do you recommend?

Eating a ceviche on the beach by the waves is a definite must, Tostadas in a market and Tacos on the street are also pinch yourself moments. You have to try grasshoppers and you have to have a mole.

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